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Follow along as we restore & reimagine The Masonic

About Us

Whadda y’at?

Plans are underway as we recreate The Masonic during a multi-year renovation project. Follow along as we transform the iconic heritage building in the heart of St. John’s, NL into an inclusive venue and cultural hub that will celebrate the province’s rich – and sometimes untold – history and culture through art, community, and local fare.

Project Timeline

Spring 2022

Morgan & Duncan MacRae purchase the Masonic Temple from Spirit of Newfoundland.

Summer 2022

Local St. John’s architect and designer engaged.

Morgan & Duncan introduce themselves as new owners through local media.

Consultative and planning work begins.

Fall 2022

Morgan & Duncan host meet & greet event at The Masonic to introduce themselves and their plan for the building, its use and community involvement.

Consultative and planning work ongoing.

Jan-Mar 2023

Building is covered with scaffolding and tarp for weather protection.

Spirit of Newfoundland announce their new location.

Consultative and planning work ongoing.

Pipe organ is moved to new home at Trinity Hall in Winterton, NL.

Apr-Jun 2023

Spirit of Newfoundland perform their last show at The Masonic and move to new location at Gower Street United Church.

Consultative, planning and permitting work ongoing.

The Masonic is closed to the public until restoration and renovation work is complete.

Jul-Sep 2023

Successful bidder selected for phase 1 demolition (Lindsay Construction).

Phase 1 demolition work begins (a 3-month process that includes careful removal, packaging and offsite storage of many historically significant building features & artifacts for re-use in the renovation).

Structural assessment work and remediation planning ongoing.

Oct-Dec 2023

Phase 1 demolition continues including the safe removal, packaging and offsite storage of many historically significant building features & artifacts.

Delving deeper into structural analysis to determine project budget and feasibility.

The Masonic Project hosts community collaborative design event “Where to from Here: A conversation about the future of arts and culture” (Nov. 15-17).

JAN-MAR 2024

Phase 1 demolition and structural assessment continue to determine project feasibility.

The City of St. John’s Council approve the addition of an elevator to the building.

Where to from Here event recap report shared with participants; plans are underway for further community consultation.


Phase 1 demolition concludes. During this stage, the building’s structural integrity was assessed, and some remediation was needed to stabilize structural and bearing aspects of the exterior walls. The architectural, structural engineering and envelope consultants have reviewed the assessment and determined further investigation is needed.

NL-based arts consultant engaged to carry out a business feasibility study for the development of the Project. The study will assist in making informed decisions about how best to develop The Masonic into an arts-focused community hub and performing arts space.

FALL 2024

Morgan and Duncan establish The MacRae Foundation to support the renovation project for the benefit of the community.

Business feasibility study continues as we move closer to determining future programming and operations.

Carleton University students install monitoring equipment throughout building that will help detect and measure any change in building movement. The data collected from this process will generate a model to help with structural design.

Check back soon for more updates


who knit ya?

Constructed in 1896 by the Freemasons, the Masonic is an iconic building overlooking downtown St. John’s, NL. What began as a meeting place for the Freemasons, evolved over time to be known as a place for the arts and community connections.
